Marriage Vs Wedding: What Are The Main Differences?

Author: Nidhi Sood on Sep 07,2022
bf Marriage Vs Wedding


The wedding and marriage events are two different things. Both may seem similar because they are about celebrating love and happiness. However, there is a tini-tiny bit of a difference between the two. The wedding is a one-time event usually organized for couples to mark their union as husband and wife before they start living together as partners. On the other hand, a marriage can take place anytime when two individuals decide to commit to each other for the rest of their lives. If you're confused about which one of these events you should attend, continue reading to find out more.


What Is A Wedding?

A wedding is an event which celebrates two people getting married. It is a couple's transition from being single to a married couple. There are various types of wedding ceremonies that are practiced around the world. The common ones include Christian, Hindu, Jewish, and Islamic weddings. The wedding ceremony is also called the "wedding reception" or "reception" for short. The wedding event is the first step toward a couple's lifelong journey as husband and wife. It will be more than just a celebration of the love between the two lovebirds. It's also a celebration of the love and care between the two families, who are now uniting. That's why this wedding event is celebrated with pomp and show.


What Is A Marriage?

It's a lifelong legal commitment of two individuals to each other. Through marriage, two people promise to support, love and share their lives. The legal portion of a wedding is signing a marriage certificate by an authorized person. There are various types of marriage ceremonies that are practiced around the world. Most cultures, religions, and societies perform marriage ceremonies as a rite of passage. With marriage, two people unite in a bond and create a new family unit. Various types of marriage certificates are issued after the wedding is completed, such as religious, civil, and traditional marriage certificates.


The Differences Between a Wedding and Marriage

There are a few differences between a wedding and a marriage. Here are a few of them: 

The first difference between a wedding and a marriage is the length. A wedding is a one-time event that is celebrated only once. The couple has to go through a legal formalization of their relationship after the wedding. The legal aspect of the wedding is called a marriage. 

The next difference between a wedding and a marriage is the guests. Wedding guests can be extended family members, friends, and sometimes colleagues. However, only the partners' close friends and family members are invited to the marriage ceremony. 

Another difference between a wedding and marriage is the venue. Wedding venues are usually grand and have a high-end aesthetic. The venue for a marriage ceremony is usually a more intimate setting and has a more classic vibe to it.


When to Go to a Wedding vs. a Marriage

There are differences in the duration of the events as well. A wedding usually lasts for a few hours. A marriage lasts for the rest of the partners' lives. The dress code at these two events is different as well. Wedding guests usually wear formal or semi-formal dresses.

On the other hand, those who attend a marriage ceremony usually wear casual dresses. The guest list is also different for a wedding and marriage. A wedding usually has an extensive guest list because it involves people from both the partners' sides. However, marriage has a short guest list because only the closest family members are invited to the ceremony.


Wedding Preparations

For many of us, the moment we say "Yes!" is followed immediately by thoughts of wedding planning. Planning a wedding may involve meeting with a wedding planner, thinking about having an out-of-town ceremony, debating whether or not to elope, trying out different cakes, and so on. It's all the exciting, novel choices people make, but that doesn't make them pointless.

It's a significant step for a couple to start wedding planning. It symbolizes their decision to start their lives together as husband and wife. Wedding traditions can be treated as seriously or humorously as the happy couple wishes. However, there is a key component that is even more important.

Marriage counselor Gabrielle Usatynski, MA LPC, urges future spouses to place equal value on the words they speak when they exchange wedding vows. "Many couples fail to recognize the significance of a heartfelt ceremony to celebrate the start of their life together." Remember that making pledges to one another when you exchange vows during your wedding ceremony planning process will strengthen your relationship.


Marriage preparations

On the other hand, marriage preparation is more critical because of the formality and official connotations of the event. Marriage is not considered lawful until a marriage license has been obtained from either City Hall or the county clerk's office. Also, before leaving for some international wedding destinations, you may need to schedule a civil ceremony at the local courthouse.


Ways to ensure a successful Wedding Day

The most excellent way to ensure a joyous wedding day is to take it easy after all the preparations have been made. You shouldn't expect your wedding day to look like the ones you see on Instagram. Funny and frustrating moments are equally a part of the experience.

Adjusting to new in-laws, dealing with different family beliefs, and making large financial commitments all at once are all potential sources of stress to consider. Preparations for a wedding can be difficult and stressful due to a number of factors, including financial worries, family and cultural expectations, and heightened emotions. Couples generally require assistance during this time.


What You Can Do to Ensure a Successful Marriage

Where should you begin when preparing for the many years of wedded bliss ahead of you? Many engaged couples seek premarital counseling, and it is often provided by clergy or a licensed family and marriage counselor. These sessions can help you and your future spouse discuss some of the most essential topics you'll need to cover before you tie the knot. Moreover, there are many books that professionals and other couples highly recommend before getting married.

It's alright if your relationship won't be perfect. Indeed, that is the point. Breaking and mending a relationship is how it grows stronger. Having each other's backs through thick and thin strengthens bonds of trust. In a relationship, it's essential to communicate openly and urge your spouse to do the same.


Which Event is Better?

While both wedding and marriage are significant events, marriage is better than a wedding. Here are a few reasons: A wedding only involves the two partners getting married.

A marriage involves two people and their families too. A wedding lasts only a few hours, but a marriage lasts for the rest of the partners' lives. The guest list at a wedding is usually more prominent than the guest list at a marriage. 

 While a wedding is more about the bride and groom, a marriage is about all the partners and their families uniting as one.



The wedding and marriage events are two different things. The wedding is a one-time event usually organized for couples to mark their union as husband and wife before they start living together as partners. On the other hand, a marriage can take place anytime when two individuals decide to commit to each other for the rest of their lives. 

Both the wedding and the marriage are significant. Remember that neither may be ideal, but that's okay. The two most important factors in successfully tying the marriage with someone are a cheerful disposition and genuine affection for one another. Continue reading our blog for more insight and inspo on marriages and weddings. 

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