8 Tips To Plan Your Wedding Hashtag And Its Message

Author: Nidhi Sood on Aug 09,2022
bf Wedding Hashtag And Its Message


In case you didn't know, more than 200 million people use hashtags on Instagram. That makes us believe that hashtags will remain an inseparable part of our lives and social media for a long time. Did you know, too, that according to recent statistics, the average person has about 20 friends? And did you also know that the best man's speech is one of the most awkward moments in any wedding reception? We can't help with the friends part or the best man's speech, but we can certainly help you plan your wedding hashtag and its message. We all know that a wedding hashtag is no longer just another way to track your guests; it is now an essential piece of your big day.

This blog contains 8 tips for successfully planning your wedding hashtag and its message.


1. Think of a unique theme for your wedding

You might wonder why we have put this at the top of our list when planning a wedding hashtag. We believe that when you start with a theme for your wedding, everything that's a matter of fact, that is how you will be able to choose the right words to describe your wedding. You will also find the perfect words to describe your wedding hashtag. When you think of a theme for your wedding, the ideas will start flowing, and you will definitely be able to find a unique wedding hashtag.

So what kind of themes can you choose from? Well, you can choose from any article that you like. Some of the most popular pieces are beach weddings, winter weddings, destination weddings, vintage weddings, and garden weddings. We have faith that you can come up with a creative hashtag for your wedding using any of these ideas.


2. Be thoughtful with your choice of words

Once you've given some thought to the theme of your wedding and have come up with a few ideas, it's time to find the right words to describe your wedding. Here is how you could go about this.

Let's say you are planning a winter wedding. You could choose words like enchanting, magical, and charming, or you could go with words like love and togetherness. Make sure to choose the right words that describe your wedding. Here are a few ideas you could choose from if you are looking for inspiration. First, you could tell your relationship using words like love, togetherness, and memories. You could also describe your relationship with your partner's family using words like acceptance, togetherness, and love. And lastly, you could tell your relationship with your guests by using words like excitement, joy, and anticipation.

You must also keep your partner's culture and ethnicity in mind while choosing your wedding hashtag. After all, you are celebrating two cultures coming together, and you must be mindful of that. Now, you could go with something like #loveislove, a popular wedding hashtag, or choose a word in your partner's native language. Anything that makes sense and is appropriate for your wedding is good enough for us.


3. Choose one color for your hashtag

This is an optional step. However, we would highly recommend that you go ahead with it. The color of your wedding hashtag could be the icing on the cake. It could complete your hashtag and make your wedding hashtag stand out from others. Now, you could choose a color that matches your theme or a color that your partner or both of you love.

Choose a hue that has nothing to do with your nuptials if you're feeling daring. You could choose a color you simply love or one that has personal significance to you. Whatever color you choose, it should be something that you two love and something that you two relate to.

 Now, the color of your wedding hashtag can be just about anything. It could be a color you love, your partner's favorite color, a color you associate with your relationship, or a color that means something to you.


4. Reveal the meaning behind your hashtag

Now that you have chosen the perfect words for your wedding hashtag and found the perfect color, why not reveal its meaning? It is an excellent way to make your wedding hashtag even more special and memorable.

You could do this in the form of a few words, a sentence, or even a paragraph. The more you reveal the meaning behind your wedding hashtag, the more your guests will love and appreciate it. You must be careful when choosing what to show behind your wedding hashtag. You have to make sure that it is appropriate, that it makes sense, and that it is something that you two love and are comfortable with. You could reveal something that has a special connection to you two or something that is special to your partner's culture.


5. Don't forget to promote your wedding hashtag

After creating the ideal wedding hashtag, the next step is to announce it to your loved ones and invitees. You may also include a few different methods to promote your wedding hashtag. You could put it on the invitation cards, wedding favors, and wedding cake. You could also put your wedding hashtag on your wedding website and social media pages.

You could also use a hashtag generator and create a wedding hashtag campaign. Now, the more people know about your wedding hashtag, the more it will spread, and the more people will be able to use it. This is important because a popular wedding hashtag will reach more people and be used by more individuals. When your wedding hashtag becomes widespread, it will reach a broader audience. It will help you to grow your social media following.


6. Use a Hashtag Creator for the Big Day

You've hit several snags, but there still aren't any clear solutions. In case you'd prefer not to spend the money on a contracted writer, you still have options. Several free online wedding hashtag makers are available. To pick the finest wedding hashtag generator for your needs, you may check out a few different ones.

Keep in mind, though, that these tips won't be expertly personalized to you and your significant other. However, you may use them to inspire your unique expression because they serve as a useful blueprint. Many hashtag generators will also provide you with the most popular wedding hashtags to make sure you use the most up-to-date forms.


7. Hire a professional

If you're still in doubt about picking up a clever wedding hashtag, a pun, or phrase of your own, it may be time to hire a writer. Custom service is provided by wedding hashtag generators (we recommend Wedding Hashers). For the help of the experts to begin immediately, just complete a few details. They'll go to work on some unique solutions for you right away and then promptly provide their suggestions to your email. This service will cost you money, but in the end, you'll have a clever hashtag to show for it (minus the stress).

Like any purchase for your wedding, you should weigh the benefits against the drawbacks. It's probably safe to rely on expert writers to come up with clever wedding hashtags, but there's always a risk you won't like their suggestions.

Additionally, the onboarding questionnaire for Wedding Hashers allows you to select from a wide variety of wedding hashtags, including both lighthearted and more somber alternatives. Any occasion after the wedding, from the bridal shower and the bachelorette party, can be marked with your hashtag. The crew will create a special hashtag for the event.


8. Last but not least, have fun

This is the last tip on planning your wedding hashtag, which is the most important. Don't forget to have fun while choosing your wedding hashtag. It will show in your preferred wedding hashtag if you have fun while doing it. And that is what we are aiming for.

We want your wedding hashtag to be something that you two love and something that you two are comfortable with. We want your wedding hashtag to be unique, something that is appropriate, and something memorable.



One of the most exciting aspects of wedding preparation is probably brainstorming ideas for a catchy or humorous hashtag. Hashtags at weddings aren't exactly new, but there's a good explanation for their enduring appeal.

Unless you're planning a fully wire-free ceremony and reception, expect some Instagram posts from your guests. Creating a custom hashtag is a simple and efficient method to compile all those priceless moments. Because your wedding photographer is incredible, but they can't be in two places at once, this will also inspire friends and family to take and post photos on social media before the big day. BridalFusion.com provides some fantastic advice on how to make your own wedding hashtag in a short amount of time. It's time to take risks, explore your imagination, and have fun.

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