Smart Ways to Plan Your Honeymoon for Less

Author: Priyanka Saxena on Dec 29,2017
BF Smart plan honeymoon


Planning for your wedding and the honeymoon is the best thing you’d want to do in this world. If you are about to get married and planning a small budget honeymoon, this article is worth your while. Get to know what are the do’s and don’ts that you should keep in mind when planning a honeymoon that suits your pocket.


Set A Priority

An ideal honeymoon planning should start with a clear mind. What do you actually want – a long weekend in a 5-star hotel or a honeymoon with mixed experience of trekking and camping? Setting your priority levels much before your honeymoon can help you save a small fortune. If getting a nice pampering experience is in the top of your list, book a long weekend honeymoon suite, and if getting away from the crowd, pollution, and noise is your ultimate goal, go for a week-long camping trip.


Book a Travel Agent

If you want to enjoy each and every moment of your honeymoon, get some help from a travel agent. From hotel booking to cutting cost on flights, a travel agent can help you save money a lot. While booking a travel agent keep in mind that you let him know about your priority so that he can decide and plan accordingly. This will help him decide what to cut and what to add while planning your honeymoon trip for both of you.


Get Advantage of a Honeymoon Registry

If you are planning a small budget honeymoon, how about going for a honeymoon registry? There are travel agencies that offer a registry service for the newlyweds. Under this service, they collect and track contributions from your wedding guests toward your honeymoon expenses. All you need is that give them as much information as you can about the honeymoon expectations and a rough idea about the guests who are going to attend your wedding. Using this information, they can create a platform wherein your guests can contribute to your honeymoon. Isn’t it great?

In fact, there is a provision of asking your guests or loved ones to sponsor some of the honeymoon activities for both of you.


Book Early

The best way to avoid unnecessary costs is to plan and book early. Booking your air tickets can help you save up to 55% and what if you get a chance to crack the last-minute deal on your booking. This all can be done if you book your honeymoon tickets early.



Planning your honeymoon can actually be a fun if done in the right way. Read a newspaper, scan magazines, and TV shows to know what’s trending and what are the offers that you can snag for your case. The more your research, the more benefits you can leverage form such offers because, in the end, it’s all about how much you know.


Cook Yourself

Every travel consists of three costs – stay, food, and travel. When planning a honeymoon in an outer location you cannot control over the stay and travel costs. You need to pay for these two in any case, but what if you get a chance to cut the cost of food during your honeymoon? This can be done if you go for a hotel/resort offering cooking facilities. You can cook your own meals and spend a great time together. Be sure to put some candles in your honeymoon packaging list to create a romantic ambiance around you.


The Conclusion

These were a few things that you can consider while planning the honeymoon. You can follow these tips to plan a small budget honeymoon where you can spend a quality time with your partner. Hope this works for you.

Have any suggestions? Do lets us know in the comment section. We would love to revert at the earliest.

Have a Nice Day!!


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