At an event the caterer serves food with a staff to service the dining tables or sets up a self-serve buffet. The food may be prepared on site, made completely at the event, or the caterer may choose to bring prepared food and put the finishing touches on once they arrive. The event caterer staff isn’t responsible for preparing the food but often help set up the dining area. This service is typically provided at banquets, conventions, and weddings. Any event where all the attenders are provided with food and drinks or sometimes only hors d’oeuvres is often called a catered event .
A catering company or specialist is expected to know not just food preparation, but how to make it attractive. Many events require working with the entire theme or color scheme. Catering companies have moved toward full-service taking charge of not only food preparation but also decorations, such as table settings or lighting. It’s not that food is no longer a focal point, but rather that it is part of a broader mission. Many suggest that catering is about satisfying all the senses. A caterer and his or her staff should be friendly and coorperative because, after all, they are in the food service industry and should follow the motto “the customer is always right”.
Catering is typically sold on a per-person basis, where adding additional people is a flat price per person. Keeping the cost of the food and supplies below this is required to make a profit on the catering. With the correct atmosphere, professional event caterers experience can bring clients satisfaction of all the senses in a way that makes an event special and memorable. Of course, beautifully prepared food can appeal to your sense of taste, smell and sight - perhaps even touch, but the decorations and ambiance should play a significant part in the clients enjoyment as well.
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