Wedding Invitations

Editor: Nidhi Sood on Jun 07,2024
bf Wedding Invitations Ideas

There is more to wedding invitations than you thought

What about all the other terms and items that are associated with wedding invitations? Below are some of the explanations about common terms and items that youll probably encounter while shopping for your wedding invitations.

Types of wedding invitations and cards

Seal and send wedding invitations: These types of wedding invitations are mailed to wedding guests as a single-folded piece of cardstock and dont require an envelope. Have the respond postcards attached to the wedding invitations by a perforation for easy removal. Because the respond piece is actually a postcard, you save on postage for the return mailing. Normally the cost for this product will include seals, a printed return address on both the back flap when initially mailing back the wedding invitations, and on the perforated respond postcard.

Wedding announcements: For those who will not be invited to your wedding but you would still like them to be informed about your marriage, you can mail out announcement cards. These can be printed on the same paper as your wedding invitations but are mailed on your wedding day or immediately after with the wording stating that your wedding has already occurred.

Wedding reception cards: If there isnt enough room on your wedding invitations for details of your reception or if not all the wedding guests will be invited, separate wedding reception cards can be ordered to match your wedding invitations and then be included as an insert. Keep in mind that this card could add to your mailing costs since postage is based on weight.

Wedding respond cards: These cards are important to you for planning for your rehersal dinner and wedding reception since an accurate guest count will be needed for food and seating arrangements. The respond card and its mailing envelope will be inserted with your wedding invitations. Remember, include a postage stamp on this small envelope which also has a mailing address printed on it so all your wedding guests have to do is fill out the card and send it back by the date you have printed on it.

Wedding map cards: These are a convenient way to direct the wedding guests who might not be familiar with the location of the church and/or wedding reception

Wedding gift thank you cards: Perhaps the single largest cause of etiquette errors in the west are due to the continued rising expectations of gifts. This mentality of entitlement to gifts is completely contrary to basic western etiquette but has led to many etiquette myths and rude behavior. Plainly, while gifts are common in some situations, they are never to be expected by anyone for any reason. All gifts must be looked upon as unexpected, accepted graciously, and thanks should be sent promptly.

Thanks -- Perhaps the most important aspect of receiving gifts is thanks. The recipient should usually thank the giver in writing, most preferably on paper. Except for the most minor of gifts, verbal or phoned thanks are inadequate. The wedding gift in question should be named in the letter. Thanks for wedding gifts should be timely, though there is a common misconception that waiting for "matching cards" or photographs, or for the ceremony to pass are all reasons to delay thanking people (some even believe the wedded couple has up to a year to thank wedding guests, which is absolutely not proper etiquette). The only exception for weddings is that if the gift is received just prior to or immediately after the wedding, an extra two weeks may reasonably pass, as the couple should not be expected even to send thank you notes during their honeymoon.

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